2 min read

a lot to process = a lot of art

Coley here! 

Last week's Revelutionary Newsletter #1 focused on my spiritual journey :)

This week's will be on the material progress born from it!

One of my guiding mantras has always been radical optimism. The ability to heal, process and alchemize even the worst events into positive results drives success and happiness. Life is hard and the world is strange, always has been. So we might as well take what's given to us and turn it into something beautiful to help others!

Pick your mantra: 

Lemons to Lemonade

Manure Into Crops

Accidents to Assets

Nothing to Something

Pain to Progress

Lessons to Learning

Experiences To Art

The last chapter of my journey was brutiful. But I worked through the pain and put it into my art. To be frank, my mission is probably what kept me alive. It gave me something to get better for, and a fulfilling way to process my experience into comedy, music, and podcasts. As I embark on a new chapter of joy, growth, and enjoying my 2nd life (prolly my 10th at this point), I will be releasing and promoting the art made during that era.

Strangely, was one of my more prolific periods. A lot to process = a lot of art lol. Including the following that will be released over the coming months:

  • My first feature film JEBUS that I wrote, directed, starred in 5 roles and executive produced
  • My first 1 hour comedy special
  • Season 1 of Coley TV Show - yup everything I've told you about is on camera!!!
  • 5 new music albums including the soundtrack to JEBUS that will be my 12th released studio album 
  • 50 new Revelutionary podcast episodes coming regularly
  • 3 New Feature Length Movie Scripts with next Coley movie going into production in 2025 

+ the best soul tribe of creative & business partners, friends and family! Utterly grateful for them and filled with abundant love :) 

Continuing to loyally bring everyone who wants to come with on the journey and failing up when people dip. God bless them too!

I may be one of the few people who wants to get wealthy and healthy so I can work more lol.

My only constraints to more art is capital and bodily limits (which I am obviously doing a better job of honoring now). 

The goal for this promotion campaign will be to launch and harvest above projects so that I can sustainably bring more and better art to market consistently! Believe me, I was content not famous (obviously). Soul always came first. But I guess I need that to effectuate change, so here we go! 

My team & I appreciate all of your support and any ways you can help us get the message out.

We're releasing a new trailer for Jebus today on instagram. If you'd like to help, sharing this with one person who would get a kick out of it goes a long way :)

(if you don't have instagram, the original youtube trailer is great to share as well)

If nothing happens, who cares. If it ain't double pneumonia, it ain't a problem. Life is f'in great!

Love, Coley

PS. “I want to stand as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all kinds of things you can't see from the center.“ – Kurt Vonnegut