5 min read


Coley here! 

Filled with abundant love x gratitude :) 

I hope you are too (or en route)! 

This is the launch of my weekly Revelutionary Newsletter to explore how we can use what I call enlightainment to heal the country and ourselves. 

Enlightainment: purpose driven entertainment meant to enlighten, educate and provoke thought; for us it's deeper entertainment that's still edgy x fun.

The world is in need of a positive revelution by revelutionaries, happy warriors who celebrate change with healthy, peaceful and optimistic approaches to solving our collective problems. More warring to stop warring is not going to cure the warring lol. It hasn’t worked for thousands of years, it’s time human beings evolve past conflict into conscious collaboration. We all instinctively know this but society is noisy with bad faith leaders, hurt birds and massive systematic problems that need to be addressed. This sounds purdy damn weighty, so we think we should use comedy, music, film / tv, podcasts and content to keep our sense of humor about it all to not make it such a brutal slog. Comedy has always been an honest lens to see society and ourselves more clearly. And life’s always been partly f*cked. 

The past few years were especially wild for us all with over 1 million Americans dying from Covid (double the number in WW2) and many more disabled, toxic divisive politics and a strange economic environment where affordable housing and life costs are out of reach for many. This era affected me personally when the OG Covid nearly killed me in March 2020 resulting in multiple hospitalizations, bouts of brain encephalitis and spinal swelling so bad it required neck surgery to replace inflamed discs bumping my spinal cord. It took me 6 months of recovery to walk a and my body was inflamed with long covid for years. My father also died during the pandemic most likely from Covid related effects stopping his heart in his sleep. It was a brutally difficult period that required years of rehabilitation and health practices to recover: acupuncture, craniosacral, lens neurofeedback, hyperbaric oxygen, physical therapy, medical doctors and long term treatments, breathwork, yoga, therapy and lots of patience. If anyone is struggling with long covid, more than welcome to reach out and highly recommend these healing modalities.

my new neck :)

My two favorite healing methods are: 


It was a brutiful journey that I am happy to now finally say: 

IT WORKED! It f’n worked! 

I am now fully recovered in amazing health, more optimistic than ever! 

It taught me quite a few deep lessons I want to share:

  • We need to replace the “hustle” with “healing”. Productivity and growth is beautiful but it can’t come at the expense of our physical, societal and environmental health. We a need sustainable balance between both. 
  • Purpose is what saves you when in extreme pain. It gives you something outside of yourself to live for. We each can serve in our own way. 
  • We gotta give each other more empathy. And quite frankly slack, we are living in hard times and everyone has difficulties. It hurts us, but ultimately shapes us if we can work with it. Blaming out or “righteous” anger is not going to cure what ails us. Let’s say hi more, smile more, care more and be easier on each other. Life is still going to be hard, why make it harder?
  • Happiness comes as a byproduct. When we dwell on not being happy or chasing it, the further it gets away. But when we look within, do the work and approach life through service, mastery, self growth and investing in causes, people and projects you love, it shines through! Joy x bliss are also valid!

As a result of this journey, I’ve deepened my relationships with loved ones, made a prolific amount of art that will be released over the next year and started using the word GOD more often. Nearly dying will do that to ya! I’ve always been a human of faith somewhere between a Taoist, nonsecular God believer and an amateur quantum physicist lol. Whatever it is, it’s awesome and nudges us (or straight up body slams us) to where it wants us to go if we listen. In 2020, when shaking in bed with double pneumonia and seizures, I made a deal with God (classic Philadelphian, always negotiating). I said “God, I’ve loved my life and quite frankly had plenty of it - more adventures and experiences than most, I don’t need more. But if you can let me live, I’ll give the rest of my life to doing your work.” Deal. 

God delivered and gave me a shamanic download of the script to the first draft of my first feature film in 1 long voice memo. A movie called “JEBUS” about a beach bum Jesus returning to teach America how to love each other again satirizing political division. I DID NOT EXPECT THAT. I am a doofus who eats cheesesteaks, makes many mistakes and have never believed myself to be any sort of savior. Must say this explicitly with so many charlatans on social media (and running for political office lol). But what happened to me evolved me profoundly.

I moved to Gulfport, Florida (hippy heaven, highly recommend visiting) near St. Pete to heal from Covid and ended up partnering with the entire town to make the Jebus movie!!! I invented a Creativity Co-Op where every cast & crew member shares in the profits. Over 400 Gulfportians helped make Jebus including every race, religion, gender, sexuality, neurodiversity, veterans, and the local homeless guy Max played one of the wise men. It was the most beautiful experience of my life and the best thing I’ve ever made, coming right off of the darkest times. 

God certainly has a (at times perverse) sense of humor but I believe it is its (def not a dude) way of doing altruistic jujitsu to steer us. I’ve always had a strong sense of mission since a lil kid and care deeply about what I do. So I listened. 

Who knows, life’s f’n great! The next chapter was born out of this gratitude!

I’d like to share the JEBUS MOVIE and COLEY TV SHOW trailers with you:

JEBUS MOVIE: https://jebusmovie.com/

COLEY TV SHOW: https://youtu.be/g7n2LKNq0J4?si=fxiiwqAzZKYL21is

We’ll be releasing new content daily on socials with major content drops each month and a newsletter every Monday.

Every Friday @ 9am PST / 12pm EST, I will be doing a live stream to discuss the themes of the week with you all. Follow our socials to stay in the loop.

We are shopping the finished feature length projects to major streaming companies now and hope to have them on your TV screens soon. If you'd like to learn more about the Revelutionary Movement and how you can get involved, check out our deck!

REVELUTIONARY DECK: https://pitch.com/v/revelutionary-newsletter-1-5ms9fr

It takes a community to figure all this sh*t out, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts! Let's discuss, philosophize, activate and collaborate along the journey!


​e​nlightainer x ​revelutionary
CEO of Revel Media